Monday, September 19, 2005

Lifestyle changes for Jon

Hello guys, in the last month I've made some pretty radical changes (for me) in my life and am finally here to give everyone an update.
But first I'd like to say a huge thank you to Strauss, Dave DeGroot, Brett, Liz, and Carrie for giving me places to stay during my vacation in August and for spending time visiting with me. It was an awesome trip and very relaxing. It felt great to see such good and dear friends again. Hopefully it won't be another three years until I can see you guys again. And now the update....

As we went into September and right before my vacation I turned in my notice to McDonald's. While the job certainly filled a need for me in the past it had become a great source of trouble for me in the past six months or so. It was almost impossible for me find ways to keep advancing myself musically except for the odd lesson or so because I had to schedule everything at least a month in advance. I was also almost never able to attend church because there were only three of us salaried managers to cover all the shifts in a week. And I had zero time to unwind with friends and family whom I was seeing about once every two weeks or so. Add to this an ever growing sense of frustration and depression and this job had to go.
I'm now doing several things part-time to earn money. On Monday through Wednesday I'm teaching piano lessons and accompanying a few singers at East Central College. I only have a very few students or singers right now though so it's not as much money as it will hopefully become. And for the other part-time job I'm now a bartender at a local restaurant called the Pasta House Company. It's been a lot of fun lately and once I learned the different alchohols and drink recipes it got a lot easier and while I'm not the best bartender they've got I definitely not the worst either.
Since I can no pretty much set my own schedule I auditioned for a select choir in St. Louis and made it in. They're called the Bach Society Chorus. You can check them out at if you want. It's really been a great choir to be a part of everyone in it is such a high caliber singer that it's really a joy to be in rehearsals with them. And almost everyone in the choir is a Christian and most of the pieces that we perform and sacred in nature. Almost all of our concerts are performed in the great cathedrals and churches in St. Louis. All in all it's going to be a blast I think. Hopefully if I'm a member again next year I can actually earn one of the paid positions but we'll see.
I'm also able to take lessons right now from two really great teachers, Dr. Leon Burke and Jim Uselman. They are both really great guys and I feel blessed to have them both as mentors and teachers. Which I've been sorely lacking for the last few years. I think that under their tutelage I'll be able to grow both as a musician and as a person.
I'm going to go now but I'd like to leave a note of encouragement for anyone who might need it. If circumstances in your life are making you feel miserable and depressed, whether they are from a job or whatever the cause. Don't be afraid to change your life. It can be pretty scary to leave the safety of the known for the uncertainty of new things. But if you don't make the changes you need to, then the only thing you can be certain of is that no one else will do it for you. Think hard, pray hard, and then act. You'll be much happier in the long run if you listen to your heart and what God is telling you. Bye guys I'll talk to you all later.


Josh Hoisington said...

Cool stuff, Jon. Good for you. Hopefully I'm right behind you on the "making a change" train.

DM said...

I should run to Mexico! 24 days and counting down.

Ryan said...

I'm back in America in two weeks. It's going to be good.

Thanks for your update Jon. It's good to hear from you and I'm glad things are going well in your new life.

Strauss said...

Hey everyone, don't be afraid to start a new post if you have unrelated news. It's nice when things stay on topic.

Jon, it's great to hear that you have good teachers, and I might check out the Bach society this afternoon.