Monday, August 08, 2005

Weddings bring reunions

I was at a Wheaton wedding a couple of weeks back, and a couple of T6 guys (sahv and Jon Steimel) mentioned that what interests them most about this site is the personal updates, so I'm just going to say that weddings are great. You get to celebrate two people getting married, and you get to see old friends.

In this case, the wedding was Vince Campbell and Diana Mojica's, and the old friends were Jon Steimel, Steve Hunter, Kristin Brostrom, and Carey Stamps. Wheaton probably would have loved having a photographer there to advertise Wheaton's efforts at diversity and multi-culturalism. It was very evident that Diana and especially Vince did a great job of breaking down color barriers while at Wheaton. Guests backgrounds included Puerto Rico and at least a dozen Latin American nations, various regions of Africa, Korea, China, Japan, probably some other Asian localities. Of course, us people of European descent were represented as well. Wedding guests were encouraged to dress in traditional clothing of whatever country they come from. I could not help but think a little bit of the wedding feast of the Lamb, while at the wedding. The entire ceremony was in both Spanish and English. For those of you if any who knew Kerlie (pronounced Curly), she did a great job translating.

The wedding being on Friday left another two days, before we all had to get back to our lives. It wasn't hard to convince Jon Steimel to come in to St. Louis from Gerald, MO. to be our tour guide for the day. It was a wonderful day, mostly because of all of us just enjoying each other's company. (The weather was perfect, too, which helped.) The day was so pleasant and relaxing, that I would go so far as to call it therapeutic. We went to the St. Louis arch and learned about Lewis and Clark through a movie before going up to the top of the arch in the most clausterphobic elevator that I have ever been in. They were more like pods than cars. We had lunch at the Hard Rock and wandered around the mall next door to it, before meeting up with coy. There was a shallow pool outside the mall where you could lounge around and feed the fish for a quarter. I guess we were easy to entertain. That night, we hit the St. Louis city museum, a one-of-a-kind place that Jon highly recommended. We spent the next few hours exploring tubes, caves, slides, planes, fire engines, and other types of art designed to be played on. The place had an indoor, and outdoor bar to boot. If you have any kid still in you and you are in St. Louis, that place is a must visit. The fellowship was broken at Steak 'n' Shake very late that night with goodbyes to the girls. Then, Steve and I said goodbye to Jon back at the house that we were crashing at. Steve and I parted ways. Goodbyes were easier for me than they might have been as I am seeing Jon in a week when he comes to DC, and I've seen Steve 3 times now since graduation. Then, Carey is just down the road in Baltimore.

In separate wedding reunion news, DeGroot, Brett, and myself met up with Dusty and his girlfriend Liz when they were in town for Andrea Ratzloff's wedding, on a Sat. night a few weeks back. I have very little to report other than what Dusty has already told everybody other than that Liz is tall and evidentl self motivated based on the fact that she is already almost done with dental school at the age of 22 if I remember right. I'm sure Dusty will correct me if I am wrong.

If anyone wants a more personal update, I'm giving one, but I'll keep it short. Work is going well. I restart part-time graduate school in the fall. I'm praying about how to get more involved at church as my current responsibilities ended when the summer started. I'll likely help out with youth ministries in some capacity. Given the lack of school and church commitments currently, I've had a lot of free time, which I've largely filled with fun. I saw Chelsea of the British Premier League take on DC United with Dave and Brett. Very cool. This past weekend I tubed down a river near Harpers Ferry, WV with some non-Wheaton friends, and next weekend I'm taking Monday off from work for a two day hang out at the ocean with Jon Steimel and Dave De Groot. Here's hoping that other people's summers have been as good as mine or better.


Dave said...

it's true. the personal updates make this site super sweet. Thanks for taking the time to bring us along on your reunions!

Josh Hoisington said...

I hope Chelsea pummeled the innards out of DC. In a loving way.

Dave said...


Dave said...

Did you know that your name in reverse spells Ehcsztjiea? (pronounced eh-ch-zee-a). Sounds kind of Eastern European.

Coye said...

Did you know that Dave spelled backwards is Evad. Makes you think, huh?

Dave said...

Sure does, E-Yoc

Coye said...

well, I'm about to hop in my car and start the drive down to Austin (I'm only going as far as Ft. Worth today). After all the preliminary trips to the capitol, this is finally it: the move. In a matter of minutes, I will no longer live in Amarillo, Texas. I'll send an email out soon with my phone number and address; if you want that info and I don't normally send you emails, then send me one so I'll know to send it to you. For now, in the words of my Austin brother, "I just can't wait to get back on the road again".

DM said... looks like search engines are indexing this site now.

Strauss said...

Aeijtzsche, DC United scored first. The Chelsea bench of superstars cleared to warm up on the back line in order to put DC in its place.

Andrew said...

so what ever happened to the idea of moving our blog to a new site?

Dave said...

1) I don't have high speed internet yet

2) If I had high speed internet, I'd still be tired of moving everything and its mom over to the other site

DM said...

Why not just start over with a clean slate Dave? I know you were transferring to word press, but why?

Dave said...

no reason, really, besides that I once thought it was a good idea and coye said he'd only go over if it had all the old stuff on it.

but I'm all for going over to a clean place!

Why don't you start a new thread and we can see if anyone hates the idea.

Andrew said...

while it would be nice to keep all the old stuff... I am all for saving Dave the labor and starting without it

Coye said...

I've got no real problems with it as long as it is simple and easy to use (i.e. I don't have to click through seven windows to get to the post I want to comment on... and I don't really think we need links to financial institutions). It would also be great if it didn't take half an hour to load, which was a problem with the other attempt. Less is more... which is another way of saying that we don't need to start acting like a bunch of German engineers.

Dave said...

but we are a bunch of German Engine-- wait, no, you're right: we're not.

Hey Dusty, what happend to it? (i.e. what happend to

DM said...

Dave, do you want me to set it up again?

DM said...

I thought you gave up on it.

Dave said...

well if people want to move to a differnt blog, then we've got to have a place to go...

I gave up on moving posts; but if people don't care about posts, I say get the move on.

Coye said...

Just curious: are we moving because the scary German search engines found us?

TEFKAMS said...

AAAAHHHH!!!! search engines are my evil tools!!!!!

Dave said...

I'd just like to move because of the sweet category functions. I couldn't care less if Joe Schmoe and Britney Spears read the site or not.

DM said...

You want wordpress Dave?