Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Hook 'em, Horns! Well, I made it. The drive was long, the weather was hot, the furniture was heavy, the weather was hot, the unpacking was tedious, the weather was hot and the weather was hot, but I made the move down to Austin. I am still getting a few things set up in my appartment, but it is starting to fall together pretty well. I am spending this week trying to get as much of the tedious preparatory things done for school before everyone else shows up and I have to wait three hours in line to jump through the same hoops. I got my UT id on Monday, which lets me ride Austin buses for free, and I got my keys and my computer accounts and my financial aid worked through and the list continues. It has been strange to be in a city where I don't know anyone and not really have anything to do (the above chore list sort of counts, but it's not exactly a full time employment). This living alone thing could get sort of lonesome, although I'm sure it will be better when I start classes and have tons of work to do all the time. If anyone knows any tall, attractive young women between 21 and 24 who are looking for a place to live in Austin... just kidding (not really). Actually, the problem may be that there are too many single twenty-somethings in Austin. And I think we may have all missed out on some things by not going to school in the South... Anyways, I am really looking forward to starting classes and academic life in the next couple of weeks. I'll let you know how it's going when it gets going.

138 is the number of times my profile has been viewed since we started the blog in December. That means that either you guys can't get enough Coye and read my profile compulsively, or we must have had a number of interlopers on the site. Either way, I think it's pretty cool. Love you guys!


Coye said...

I have a couple of questions/comments for Dusty, and since he doesn't allow comments on his own blog, I will just tack them on here. First, I noticed your post about the V-22 Osprey: did you know that they assemble them at a Bell Helicopter plant in Amarillo? I've seen a lot of them out flying around, but probably not as close as you have. Second, I am curious how you met Liz, since she is from Austin and you are, well, not. Were you down here or was she out where you live now or is there some other explanation?

DM said...

actually there is, but I will email you since the search engines have found this blog.

Coye said...

Wow, that sounds really terrifying: "The search engines have found the blog! We don't have much time now!" It's like something out of the Matrix or the Terminator. "Once the search engines find you, the HKs are never far behind. Go warn John Connor; we have to get out of this place now!"

Strauss said...

I tried to use search engines to find our site. It's not as easy as I had thought it might be. Also, who are we afraid is tracking our personal lives? We sort of self police ourselves in regards to inappropriate things on the site. If anybody is in potentially hotwater, it's probably me, as my top boss is decoration on our blog, along with a funny video sequence. However, I'm not concerned. I can't imagine we have that many stalkers. At last check only 16 people have ever looked at my profile, period.

Andrew said...

Maybe you just need to spice things up a bit... my profile has gotten only 75 hits, while TEFKAMS has pulled in 115. Since my profile is pretty much blank, though, it's got to be pretty disappointing

Coye said...

So, am I winning the profile viewing competition? I've never been the most popular anything in my life! How exciting!