Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Where is everyone?

Here is what I know based on recent communications with people.

Steve and Ryan have sworn off blogging because they discovered that they are allergic to high speed internet.

Dusty is too busy scrolling through eharmony.

Steimel is just working too much at McDonald's and his second job. He may have a third job, too, for all that I know.

So I would like to apologize for dropping off the blogosphere and encourage the rest of the missing to come back. Post what you've been up to lately if nothing else.

Personally, I'm feeling sort of blah. My job is good, but the honeymoon phase has worn off. I could really go for a date. It's been a while since I had one of those. Actually I could go for about any positive social activity that consists of more than video games with the guys or drinking with coworkers. Last weekend I got to see what life might have been like at some school other than Wheaton. I went out to celebrate the birthdays of a couple coworkers, and after going out to dinner. One guy convinced almost everyone else to ducttape a bottle of 40 oz malt liquor to one's hand which couldn't come off until the bottle was completely drunk. I can't say that I really enjoy watching out for drunk people. Hopefully my whirlwind of May activity will liven me up.

My sister's college graduation is two weeks away. Then, I get to try out being in a wedding the next weekend, before i take off for Japan a few days later to visit Steve and Ryan. I feel like this is a crappy contribution to the blog, but I wanted to post something since it's been a while.


Coye said...

Strauss! It's good to "hear" your "voice" ("see your text" just sounds depressing)! Sorry that your life is apparantly asocial for the time being. I know the whole "watching out for all the drunk guys" scenario-- I've played that one a few times. All things being even, it's a lot less painful being the drunk guy that someone more sober is watching out for, but there are a whole different set of issues there (although you should try it out at least once). Ok, so this isn't the world's greatest comment, but I wanted to say "hi" so you'd know someone was "listening". Peace out. (I need a beer!)

DM said...

Actually, I have been busy playing war games, given up on any type of eharmony, and will be going out with some new Wheaties that arrived here this past month. Cheers

Coye said...

you're dating cereal? that's just sick!

Dave said...

Well, I'm beginning work on the wordpress blog. Let ya'll know when I'm done transferring files.