Sunday, January 23, 2005


It’s always funny how you find Wheaties in random places. As some of you know, I attend a church that was started in 1999 by Michael W. Smith. He leads the worship and other various aspects of the church. Anyhow, after church today we were talking about some of the theology at the church and the background of its members. Debbie, his wife, asked where I graduated from, and it turns out that she is an ’80 grad from Wheaton. This church has been the answer to many of my prayers. I wanted to find one up here that was dedicated to serving the community, and one which provided for great fellowship and discipleship within the church. I think there are about 300 members in New River Fellowship. If any of you come to the Nashville area, I will be happy to bring you along. The worship is fantastic and it’s always a plus to be singing new songs that have not hit the mainstream market yet. You might also run into other favorites such as Third Day or Chris Rice!


Dave said...

Dude, I should cut a demo and you could give it to the W! Dosen't he own a record label?


Actually, I don't think I'd ever want a traditional record label even if I was good enough to get one. Imagine having to play the same song over and over and over and over and over and over agian. seriously, few things would be less enjoyable.

DM said...

Actually he owns Rockettown Records...One of the other pastors is the one who manages Newsboys and some other groups I guess.

Dave said...

So how would you charactize the church's philosophy of ministry? Specifically, in what ways are they committed to serving the community? I'm always intersted in how churches go about doing this...

Adam said...

Dusty, I had no idea how close you were to Nashville. Cool.

DM said...

Dave, I think this page says a lot about it.

It really is accurate what they state on that page. Already I have been amazed by their desire to reach out to the needy, spend time fasting as a church and in prayer, break into small disciple groups, etc. It is neat how they also "“check our careers at the door”. Many of the people there are involved in worldwide ministries, from a girl who was wounded at the Columbine shootings, to those involved with Campus Crusade or Compassion international. I can’t really describe the church as simply charismatic or conservative, etc.. It is made up by a wide range of people who worship in different ways.

Dave said...

cool. I'd love to hear more about that "open-church" concept they're attempting to implement.

Strauss said...

How long are you going to be in Nashville, Dusty?

DM said...
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DM said...

I'm in Nashville all the time. I don't live that far away from it. I still will be here for at least the next 5 years.

Strauss said...

How did you manage to get a cushy state side post?

Coye said...

Since when were you living in Tennessee? I thought that you were still at "Benny"? I guess I must be behind in my news. Anyways, does anybody know if Dave has set a date for his wedding yet?

Adam said...

Dave??? Wedding??? Didn't that happen already? And if not, we are obviously talking about a different Dave and I am obvious (and thoroughly) out of the loop. WHAT is going on?!?!

Coye said...

Dave Jones. He's getting married sometime soon to that Sarah girl, isn't he? You know, the one with the weird name that starts with a "v".

Dave said...

It's VanvogenVanderzangen-VoondervorgenVunderzingen, and she's planning to hyphenate that with Jones.

Strauss said...

I heard a rumor that they're expecting a kid. They had better get married soon if they haven't already.