Saturday, January 29, 2005

Traber 611 online ....again

This afternoon I was playing around with my server and I set up a Traber 611 website. The domain is . There is a private closed floor forum that only T6 members can access. Everyone else who we allow registration to will be able to access the rest of the site, and forums which are "open floors", meaning they can interact with us. You also find photo galleries to upload your favorite digital photos to, a chat room, messaging system, shout outs, and other things. The entire site is protected from search engines, so you don’t have to worry about the rest of the world finding what goes on inside Traber 611 Online. I hope this can help fix some things and cultivate a better community. -- Dusty


DM said...

and you can even post your favorite links in the URL section...

Coye said...

but...oh, never mind...

Andrew said...

I really have a hard time understanding why we would desire to codify, as a core component of our little discussion group, what many (myself included) felt to be the most repressive and unhealthy aspect of dorm life at Wheaton. Open and closed floors? Really?

Andrew said...

And the disclaimer, while thorough, leaves out information on how we will write our constitution, elect a representative government, adjudicate disputes, dispense justice, and deliniate capital offenses. Oh wait, we are setting up a country, aren't we? On a slightly more serious (?) note, the chat room feature would be cool, if I were not barred from accessing it at present.

DM said...

dude, I can change anything like that in a was just a name for that one specific forum, that is only visible to T6 members. If you want to write up a disclaimer, by all means, do so. I just left the default one that came with the software.

DM said...

the names were sarcastic. The chat feature is easily accessible to you, once you register of course. I made Dave a moderator for the forums, so he is the only one who can keep people in check.

Andrew said...

just a little joke, Dusty.

Coye said...

Are we all really going to change horses in mid-stream with this thing? I mean, I really appreciate the effort that Dusty put into this thing, but it sort of seems like a solution to a problem that never existed. I don't know... I guess I'll go with whatever everybody else does, but I just don't see what's wrong with our little blog here. And I like our archives (of course, I liked them better before we had our little Gulag moment with all of its purges and eliminations). Maybe I've picked up too much of the British aversion to change (the English won't change anything they can live with/ Americans won't live with anything they can change).I don't know...