Sunday, January 09, 2005


I'm not sure if you all have subscribed to the Wheaton Record, but it seems that more profs are on their way out in similar fashion to that one Anthro prof we had...Dr. Bolyanatz (or some spelling?). Also that prof that was also the pastor at Church of the Great Shepherd is leaving.


Coye said...

I know that Dr. Hochschild is gone because he became a Catholic last Easter (one reason I hate Litfin, by the way). Are you talking about Dr. Dorsett leaving? I haven't heard anything about that (and I'm a member of Great Shepherd, but a member 1000 miles away). Is there anyone else that is leaving/being forced out?

DM said...

yes, Dr. Dorsett is leaving...taking up some position as a Billy Graham scholar somewhere...I think it had something to do with Wheaton and being charasmatic? He is charasmatic right?

Coye said...

Yeah, he's a rather charasmatic guy. I never really saw that as being out of place at Wheaton. I assume he'll still be staying in the Wheaton area; did the Record happen to mention anything about that?

DM said...

From what I remember it is a school down south, far away from the area.

Strauss said...

From what I've heard Dr. Dorsett and Jerry Root are both leaving, and it has something to do with the college wanting to de-emphasize and shrink their department because the college wants to focus more on its more scholarly academic areas. It sounds like the administration struggling with an image issue. If the news is true, my first reaction is that it's disturbing as to what kind of course for the future Wheaton is tracking.

Andrew said...

I agree that both Dorsett and Root are top notch and will be missed, but on the image issue, it was always hard for me to figure out exactly what the CE dept. did and what it was for. Perhaps the administration is attempting to fold it back into the Bible dept to add more legitimacy to people who graduate with a CE degree. If that is the case, it is probably a positive and necessary step.

Strauss said...

True, short of church ministry positions, what do you do with a CE major? Personally, I never took a CE course, but after working in the Office of Christian Outreach, I'm sure that they had an effect that trickled through campus more than many people realized.

Coye said...

Let me get this straight. The administration gets rid of or drives off Root and Dorsett to help the academic reputation of the college, then they fire Josh Hochschild (one of the most brilliant faculty at the college) and have a standard policy of harassing anyone in the Humanities who is doing work relavant to the contemporary state of their discipline. If they want to be academically credible, they might want to try some intellectual freedom. I hate Litfin.

TEFKAMS said...
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Strauss said...

Andy or Dave, which of you is posting as Mr. Satan?

Coye said...

That's a ridiculous question, Strauss! Mr. Satan is posting for Mr. Satan, of course.