Thursday, January 06, 2005

Here's a post for everyone

Hi guys. I guess it's been awhile since I've seen, heard or talked to most of you but I have to say that it's been great to read and to catch up on your lives. Major thanks to Dave for putting this blog together and to Strauss for sending me the e-mail. I've missed the T-6 gang.
Well, lets see.... I'm still living here in Missouri. I stay with my family which isn't as bad as I thought it might be. It's actually allowed me to grow a lot closer to them and it's let me be a lot more active in the lives of my three younger brothers (the last of which just started driving!!).
I'm pretty involved with music at the local college where I've been studying voice for the last two years. Ryan, you might get a kick out of me singing opera now. Especially after all of those debates we had freshman year about praise music vs. classical music as an aid to worship. Dr. Leon Burke III, my voice teacher, has become a really great friend and mentor to me over the last two years and has introduced me to some really great musicians including his teacher James Uselmann who teaches here in St. Louis and at the Uselmann/Klein studio in California. Jim is also really great about giving me advice and I never thought I'd become friends with someone who used to sing for the Met! I don't know where I'm going with my music yet, only that I love
to sing. Maybe a combination of private teaching and some performing will be where I end up. I guess we'll see.
Now, what I do to pay the bills is somewhat less glamorous. I started working for a McDonald's near the college almost two years ago. This was only meant to be a short term job so that I could pay the bills, but they were really good to work with and within one year I was promoted to assistant manager of the store and placed on salary working for the owners (we're a franchised store, not corporate). Being manager is a lot tougher and more stressful than I ever would have thought. I have about 75-85 employees working for me, I put in about 45-50 hour per week and I handle all of our purchasing (not too easy for a store with yearly net sales of over 2.5 million). Sometimes I think my head is just going to explode right off of my body!
Currently there is no romantic interest in my life. I had a really serious relationship with a wonderful girl named Nichole until she dumped me a month ago. I'm still trying to work my way through a lot of emotional turmoil related to this one. Two weeks after she left me she got drunk and tried to find me because she was suicidal. I found her and stayed with her and convinced her that she had to get professional help. I drove her in to a hospital and stayed with her while she checked herself into their psych ward. It felt like I was abandoning her when I left her there. I went back to visit her three times in the next week and a half while she was there. They diagnosed her with clinical depression and said that she is probably also manic depressive which explains most of the unexplainable problems that occurred in our relationship. But when she got out she didn't want anything to do with me, it was almost like having her dump me a second time. So I think I'll try being single again for a good long while.
I go to church at the same church I grew up in, Trinity Presbyterian, but conversely my family has left and is helping to start a new church plant twenty minutes west of our home. I've visited the new church several times but I just don't fell called to go there. Luckily my family understood that and hasn't bothered me about not going to their church with them(except on holidays).
I think that's enough about me for now. Further questions are certainly welcome. Oh, also, this year I get two weeks of paid vacation and I don't have clue what I'm going to do with them or where I'll go. Can you guys give me some good suggestions? I have to put in my requests in the next week or so. I write more later. Peace to you all.


Strauss said...

DC's not a bad place to visit. You would have a free place to stay and scarf food. Have a minivan at your disposal by day and free subway usage. Hang out in the evenings with Brett, David, Luke, and/or me. See where we live, work, and play. Play some football, volleyball or soccer on the weekend depending on what is in season. Lots of free museums, monument/memorial junk, and building tours. Plus, I could probably take a day or two from work, and I frequently get Mondays off that don't count against my vacation time.

Shenandoah or the Blue Ridge Mtns. aren't a long trip either. Could be fun for a long or extended weekend of camping/backpacking. For me, it's a Columbus Day tradition where all interested are welcome. I'm willing to go at other times, too, but Columbus weekend has the fall foliage bonus. I went with Steve Hunter, Luke, and Brett two years ago. This past year, I went with David DeGroot and Liz Wright.

Assateague National Seashore, non-built up beach with wild ponies, canoes and bikes for rent, etc. also would likely make a nice long weekend, but I have not actually done that.

Gettysburg, Charlottesville, Williamsburg/Virginia Beach, and Lancaster County would also be reachable for a weekend trip or day trip depending on the place. Or to get really adventurous and more expensive, there's world class white water rafting near by in West Virginia.

So Jon... Are you sold? It would be inexpensive, good people, and tons to do. Plus, with the 3 airports one of them is bound to be cheap from St. Louis.

Welcome back to Traber 6.

DM said...

I just watched "Supersize Me" last night...Did that affect your business at all?

Jon said...

Well Dusty as far as sales goes we weren't affected by "Supersize Me" in the least bit. In fact the company as a whole finished one of it's most successful years ever. But we did change the menu adding salads, fruit options in happy meals etc. and this month we introduced a new fruit and walnut salad. I'd say the only person who's business was affected was the maker of the film.

DM said...

I worked there when I was 15. I was a cashier, and sometimes I was 20 dollars over my receipt amount...go figure...although they didn't complain!

Coye said...

is "Supersize Me" any good?

DM said...

I was actually entertained...however, not something I would show kids as it attempts to also exlain the effect of McDonalds on his reproductive life....but other than that..good documentary and very original

Coye said...

So, Dusty, has McDonald's had any impact on you're reproductive life?