Saturday, January 22, 2005

gainful employment and other rumors

Gainful Emplyment: that elusive hind we hunt through the forrest of "I just got out of college". How often it escapes us. Well, that's strange...anyways, as I posted earlier, I haven't really had a steady job since August, and all I've done in the last two months is a little editing work for a doctor I know. Since the people at Sallie Mae don't really care about the difficulties of finding a job in Amarillo, I was beginning to get a little worried about the lack of any reliable income. Well, I finally got to do an interview today at a youth shelter I applied at almost two weeks ago. The interview went pretty well; actually, it went so well that I am starting tomorrow night. I'm excited to have a job and to have a job that I feel like is meaningful (I was dreading the possibility of returning to a waitstaff position). I really feel like God's planning and timing have been at work here because this is pretty much the absolute last week I had to look for work before I had to break down and wait tables. I finally told Him, "Hey, look, I've done what I can and this is Your thing now," and then this job opens up. I am a little nervous about starting out, though, because working with these kids is going to be a lot more important than making sure someone's steak is cooked medium rare. But I feel like God got me into it, so I think He'll help me through it. I would appreciate your prayers. I'll let you know how the job is once I get a chance see for myself.

Also, I was watching a joint lecture at UCSB given by a Jewish Rabbi and a Muslim professor, and I realized that I know even less about Islam than I do Judaism. If any of you have come across any good material/venues for learning about the third Abrahamic monotheism, I would appreciate you pointing me in that direction. I would really prefer firsthand sources if you know any, but right now I'm kind of clueless.

One more prayer request: my great-grandmother died this week, and we had her funeral today. I hadn't seen or talked to her in more than a decade, so it's not exactly hitting me hard, but I know that it's hard for a lot of my mom's family (it was her mom's mom). She was 93 and had 37 great-grandchildren (including me). That's a lot of people to be the cause of.

Love you guys! Especially you, Dusty, in that fantastic flight suit!


Strauss said...

That's great news about the job, Coye! Way to go. I can relate to the comment of meaningful jobs being more desirable.

Ryan said...

Yeah, 'grats on the job, Coye. On Islam, I second the motion. I would like to know more as well. One thing I would like to do this year is read/listen to the Koran. There are an amazing number of readings available on the internet....funny cause I have a hard time finding bible audio online apart from Alexander Scourby's KJV reading. Anyway, if anyone DOES know of information from Islamic sources...I'm interested as well.

Stephen said...

Stephen said...

that's about as primary sourcish as yer gonna get

DM said...

A couple of my guys are Islamic, but after talking to them, they seem to be more of the culturally Islamic type, and not too informed. They do skip the pork MREs though! Probably my best source right now is one of the Islamic chaplains. I think we have one who is captain for the entire division here.

Coye said...

Thanks for the link, Steve, but I don't really feel like reading the Qu'ran alone is going to help me a lot right now. I just don't have enough understanding of Islam to know how to read it's scriptures: I don't know what passages are primary or how they are interpreted in an orthodox way. Just look at how many crazy cults come from idiosyncratic readings of the Bible. I guess what I really need is a source of introductory Islamic theology to accompany the Qu'ran. I'll keep my eyes and ears open, and if anybody else comes across a reliable source (I would prefer an Islamic source, and Sunni over She'at, since 90 percent of the world's muslims are Sunni-- but anything to start from would be good). Children of Abraham and people of the Book, but what does that mean?

Dave said...

I'll hook you up...just got to do some digging. Also, if you are really in a hurry, contact the people at the South Asian Frienship Center (

I'm almost certain they'd be happy to help you out :)