Thursday, January 06, 2005

Futbol v. Football

The times they are a changing. Luke Armerding, Andy Strauss, David DeGroot, and Brett Swearingen have been rounding up former Wheaton students for Sunday afternoon football games. We initially tried to do soccer but got little to no interest beyond us. The December game was fun; holidays have stalled us. We're hoping that the games can be a regular event, but we still love soccer. I'm trying to get my fix by going to an indoor soccer facility on Thurs. nights and filling in for teams short on players. Luke and Dave are relieving a small part of their soccer craving by playing FIFA at my apartment on the weekend sometimes. I think Brett still prefers Asteroids over any video/computer games from beyond 1985.


Dave said...

Why havn't those guys joined the blog?

Strauss said...

I don't know Dusty. It's there perogative or however you spell that. They don't strike me as high volume internet users.

Stephen said...


Strauss said...

Whoops, I should read more carefully. I stopped at the D and assumed Dusty. Sorry Dave. Good catch Steve.

Josh Hoisington said...

"their" "prerogative"

You guys need to all go out for the DC Rugby League side. It's even tougher than Rugby Union.

Strauss said...

The only rugby side that ever seems to do much recruiting is the team with all the rainbows, and I'm not sure that I want to join them.

Josh Hoisington said...