Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Coye told me to, so I did

an act of impulsive following.


Coye said...

I never realized I had so much (or any) power.

Kyle W. said...

i've always known. i mean, if all of reality exists inside your mind, doesn't that mean that you have SOME power?

Coye said...

You've never understood me, Kyle. It's not that reality only exists within my mind, it's that my mind is the catalyst for the existence of an external reality. In technical terms, my conscious awareness is the condition necessary for the possibility of an external reality. I'm not some sort of megalomaniac.

Kyle W. said...

yes you are, coye. don't deny it.

Ryan said...

You serious, Coye? Don't you mean your conscious awareness is the condition necessary for external reality for YOU? Granted that's obvious--your conscious awareness is the condition necessary for your conscious awareness--but what else could you mean?

Coye said...

I mean that you don't exist unless you're present to my consciousness.

Ryan said...


Stephen said...
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Stephen said...

(oops i didn't mean to erase that.)

Coye, you were spouting off that nonsense as a freshman, and I dismissed it as you getting a head start on sophomorism (psuedo-wise foolishness). If you word it differently, it won't sound like you're denying the existence of an objective reality.
But if it makes any difference to you, I've never thought of you as a megalomaniac. hehe

Dave said...

of course, I was only referring to the fact that I took the Mr. Satan post off :)

Andrew said...

I was deeply troubled to note the act of censorship perpetrated against our ostensible friend and collegue, Mr. Satan. It was clear from his post that an extremely delicate, and potentially damaging, state obtains vis a vis his psyche, and I can only imagine that such wonton actions will cause him even more turmoil and distress. Even more disturbing, however, was the speed with which this vehicle for friendly discussion and creative expression has devolved into a despotic republic, and the fact that two of our champions of free expression on this site colluded in this event damages, in my view, the protests we have seen against Litfanesque quashings of academic freedom, among others. Et tu, Coye? How could you participate in such a violation of Mr. Satan's freedom? Who is next? Will this comment see the light of day, or will it, too, be censored? Never forget: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And I believe it is clear that Coye's position as necessary condition for the existance of all reality has finally precipitated a breathtaking corruption of his faculties.

Dave said...

Are you really going to stage moral court on behalf of an altar ego? That would be an interesting move...

Coye said...

I had two reasons for suggesting the post be removed. 1) I don't think the post WAS from Mr. Satan (it sounded suspiciously like...Logemonster), so I was trying to protect Mr. Satan by having the pseudonymous post removed. 2) Aeijtzsche (among others) was talking about completely banning Mr. Satan from the site because of that post, so I suggested the much less drastic removal of the individual post. It's odd that Andy, not Mr. Satan, is the one opposed to removing the post. It's like he had something to gain...

Josh Hoisington said...


Dave said...

As Stephen would say, "Welp. . .he's gone."

As the Terminator would say if he had a strange kind of third-person perspective disorder, "He'll be back"

As Jim Carry would say, "and that's the way the cookie crumbles."

Coye said...

I miss him already.

Coye said...

Hey, uh... Dave, I think that you should probably send me some... money, yeah, money... money and little blueberry muffins. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Why don't you go ahead and do that...

Dave said...
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Coye said...
