Friday, January 07, 2005

Comments for Dusty's Story

C'mon Dusty, you didn't thing clicking a little no box would prevent us from making comments, did you?


Strauss said...

Let me see if I've got this right.

1. You got a date with an older women.
2. P Card = Pilot, C = Christian, W = Wheaton, MK= married with kids.

I figured out your abbreviations this time, but next time you should spell things out for us slow folk.

As for the whole, married with kids thing. You should never pretend to be married with kids, just to get a date with some woman. That's just wrong.

Strauss said...

Also, playing all those cards at once makes getting a date sound like one of those Sat. morning anime cartoons.

Coye said...

That's some good work with the "card" deciphering, Strauss, but I'm pretty sure that C = Circumcised

DM said... only got 3 of 4 right. By the way, she is my age.

Strauss said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about your year in England. Have a great date, and if she has any single friends around DC, let me know.

Strauss said...

Oh, and we want to know what she's going to name her first kid.

Stephen said...

wow, I didn't know circumcision was a card to be played, but now I do. From now on I'm going to be playing the C-card! YEAH

DM said...

Slow down the horse...the M word is not in my dictionary yet.

Coye said...

Come on, Dusty. You're something like 25 years old and you're a lieutenant in the United States Army-- I think you could call yourself a "Man".

DM said...

very funny Coye!

Coye said...

Oh, by the way, that whole slingloading humvees thing is really damn sweet. You'll be like the world's coolest tow-truck. And tell us what you're planning to do for your date. I'm curious to know how a PCWMK shows a girl a good time. And good luck, LT. (You're so money!)

Jon said...

Does MK = Missionary Kid ?

DM said...


Stephen said...

by the way, playing the circumcision card didn't pan out as well as we thought it would. Dusty, I recommend not using that one, buddy.

DM said...

Strauss already had it right.

Coye said...

huh...I thought that MK meant you're good at Mortal Kombat

DM said...

way too many comments for such a little subject.

Dave said...

Guys, great idea: let's try to get 100 comments on this subject! We're almost a fifth of the way there!

Dave said...

By the way, Dusty: If I recall correctly, I think you still owe us a little story on the pilot card! Also. If you guys have boys, do you think you'll circumcise them? Why or why not?

DM said...

I would have thought that this developing story would suffice and satisfy your ravaging desire for P card stories.

Coye said...

Well, yes, but it doesn't satisfy our desire for ravaging P-card stories.

Ryan said...

Dave: I finally did a bit of research on circumcision on account of this blogpost and from what I read the potential health benefits of circumcision far outweigh the costs. I got my information from this site:

Strauss said...

Thanks for all the fun Dusty. Misinterpreting your abbreviations are a lot of fun. As for satisfying us, you set up a cliff hanger.

Oh by the way, I had an interview with the FRB today for an RA position. To try and get the job, I played the HW, F, and R cards.

Dave said...

You never told us that you were a Hog Wrangler!

Strauss said...

Yeah, I learned during family vacations to Indiana.

Andrew said...

I hope you are not demeaning this fine state where I have set up my temporary home.......

Dave said...

Andy, I seen you herdin 'em Hogs wit' my owner two eyeballs! Don't be shamed; it's'a right honerable occupation to be tryin' fer; that is: a Pig herdin Degree! (PhD!)

Strauss said...

Andy, you've only spent a little bit more of your life there. In all seriousness, I learned to drive and milk cows in Indiana Amish country.

Coye said...

Hey Dusty, when is this date? I just realized that in all the excitement none of us actually asked you when you are going out with this sweet med student.

Dave said...

Dude Dusty: please please please, during the date have her record something for an audioBlog, I promise, I'll send you a $10 check! Who's with me?

Dave said...

Actually, I'll only send the money if you have her tell what she wants to name her children.

Coye said...

I'm with you, Dave! You can always count on me as long as the idea is crazy enough and has something to do with Dusty!

Andrew said...

I, too, would contribute to the fund, should such an audioblog appear on this site

Strauss said...

I'd chip in, but how do we prevent Dusty from faking it, by getting some other girl friend to fake it?

TEFKAMS said...
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Dave said...

I think Mr. Satan needs to do an audioBlog, that's what I think. The written, AAAAAHHHHHHH dosn't quite cut it.

Coye said...
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Coye said...

Come on, Dusty, think of the great date that could be subsidized by a simple little audiopost from your female acquaintance. And she'll think, "My, what fun and witty friends Dusty has. I need to hang on to this one!"

Dave said...

I really don't have anything to say besides: We're getting closer to 100 every day!

Andrew said...

Did we ever determine when the actual date is?

Andrew said...

If Dusty is uncomfortable with the audioblog idea, I would settle for a photo of the lucky young lady...

Coye said...


Dave said...

I wonder if dusty even reads these.

Coye said...

well, he read it twenty-three comments ago.

DM said...

dudes...I just got back from the wilderness...I took the company out on an FTX and destroyed some wetlands with my Humvee...

DM said...

by the way, my date is this weekend...I have four glorious days to have fun with this girl...

by the way, is 20 too young for me to date?

Coye said...

Hold on here. You have a FOUR DAY date going on? Like an entire weekend? No wonder you had to play so many cards. You might need to clarify that a little more for us, because it sounds like you're taking her off to some bed and breakfast for the weekend and... well, you might need to clarify.

I don't think that 20 should be a problem, but I thought this girl was your age. Or are you opening up another front? Just remember not to invade Russia in the winter.

DM said...

negative, I just have four days off from the army life.

Dave said...


Strauss said...

50. Maybe, I'll try go for all of the big milestones. 75 and 100 while I'm at it.

Dusty, what do you have planned for the date with the med student?

Coye said...

Wait a second, I only had one question answered. Is the med student 20 (which seems unlikely) or is there a 2nd girl?

DM said...

no, the 20 thing is for my housemate...He is my age and there is this 20 year old...I should have clarified that.

Amy, (the doc) is 24. As for dates it will likely included dinner at a classy place. I was also thinking of boating or something along those lines.. who knows...

I also had a funny little story to share regarding my ftx I just got back from…Around 11 pm, the 1SGT and I put the troops to sleep after a long cold night of land nav. They were cold, tired, and wet. About 15 minutes after they were tucked in and snoring, we killed the generator and he started yelling “mortar attack”….everyone jumped out and went nuts…sloshing through the mud in no boots, many of them ran to their fighting positions with nothing more than boxers, a brown t-shirt, their Kevlar helmet, and their M4 rifle. So it was good training, and probably a little mean. The 1SGT is considered the bad cop by them, while the CPT is the good cop. I’m still unsure of which route I want to take. I really love them, but yet sometimes I have to be the mean guy enforcing the standards.

Oh another thing, we recently purchased a tent that is worth 600k (ya, it’s a lot) well today they were taking it down where it was set up near the Battalion headquarters. The stakes were out and a huge gust of wind came up and rolled it about 300 feet into the parking lot, smashing up a lot of new trucks and cars belonging to the senior officers in the battalion. It was a site to see as it rolled along and everyone just watching with their hands on their heads as they realized they couldn’t stop it. I am very thankful that we didn’t have anyone get run over by it. It would have really injured someone.

Coye said...

Ok, Dusty, it's really easy to remember: red wine with red meat, white wine with white (fish, chicken, lightly seasoned pork); that's because reds have stronger flavors than whites, and that's typically true with meat also (a pungent red wine will overpower a delicate fish, and you don't want overpowering. you want complimenting. That's a good rule of thumb for cologne, too). "Sweet" literally means sweet, and "dry" means not sweet. Sweet wines tend to be more accessible, but dry ones are more complex and can be a far superior experience. I have personal preference for dry red wines, but that might not always be the best choice and tastes differ. I will tell you that Cabernet Sauvignon is typically very good red variety, and it is often blended superbly with Merlot and Shiraz. French is far too expensive, although it should all be good. California can be pricey, and it's also hit-and-miss on quality. The best price/quality right now is probably Australian wines (Yellowtail, Little Penguin and Jacob's Creek all have good Cabernets I've sampled). Availability in restaurants might be an issue since Australian wines are relative newcomers in the American wine market. You can always ask her is she has a preference (in fact, you probably should). Remember, though, that boats are like automobiles, so no more than a glass or two if you're going to be on the water!

Speaking of which, I really like the boat idea, but you'll have to figure out some sort of transition from the suave restaurant to the boat because of the wardrobe requirements. If you let her know ahead of time, though, that shouldn't be a problem.

Dave said...


have you gotten the ring yet?

Coye said...

... or, if you take her out for sushi (good fist impression: it says "I'm adventerous and cultured. I know how to enjoy the good things in life in fresh, new ways. I can use chopsticks!), the phrase to remember is "sake wa doko desko".

Strauss said...

Sounds nice, Dusty. And when did Coye become Don Juan?

Coye said...

Strauss, I'm no Don Juan: I don't know anything about the ladies, just the alchohol...I mean, of course I know about the ladies, I was just saying..that, um... I AM AWSOME!!!

Coye said...

Well, so much for reaching 100 comments. This is a disgrace. 58

Strauss said...

59. Let's keep it chugging. Does Dusty have any more fuel for this post? Do we just have to push it the rest of the way?

Dave said...

Well I suppose one of us could make some incendiary comments—-surely, the comments would come flying in—-but that would probably be a bit too Machiavellian.

Strauss said...

Your Mom... with my fist! I think that ought to do it.

Coye said...

I'm relatively certain that the only reason Dusty set up the other site is to keep us from reaching 100 comments on this post. Women should be priests. 62.

Coye said...

The second ammendment has been made obsolete and useless by modern advancements in military technology. 63.

Coye said...

Legislation banning same-sex civil unions is immoral. 64

Coye said...

An economy based solely on the principle of supply and demand necessarily leads to injustice. 65.

Coye said...

The two supposed "opposite poles" of American democracy are really only the twin branches of our corporate oligarchy; hence, "democracy in America" has become less fact than illusion. 66.

Coye said...

Recognizing Christ as the only way to the Father does not require you to say that Christianity is the only way. 67.

Coye said...

Protestant Christianity has yet to develope anything like a mature aesthetic or ecclesiology. 68.

Coye said...

Decaf coffee is an abomination that causes desolation. 69.

Coye said...

I can be incendiary with the best of them! It's almost like a spiritual gift. By the way... SEVENTY.

Strauss said...

Good work, Coye! (71)

Strauss said...

The second amendment has been abused. We were given the right to bear arms to protect ourselves from an invading army. Now, we use it as justification for gun ownership for all sorts of other purposes.

Strauss said...

I wouldn't want the government telling me as the owner of a business that I have to provide health care for my employees' gay spouses. I know that we are supposed to love everyone, but that doesn't mean that I should have to support things that I believe are morally wrong.

Strauss said...

An economic system based on self-serving is bound to have flaws. Unfortunately, I have never seen a system this side of heaven that does not have injustice.

Strauss said...
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Strauss said...

What other way to the Father is there?

Strauss said...

I have never done political philosophy, but I'm glad that someone does. No comment.

Strauss said...

Why are philosophy and literature types often bent on using big, fancy words in order to try and alienate the rest of society from their conversations?

5:52 PM
Coye said...
Protestant Christianity has yet to develope anything like a mature aesthetic or ecclesiology. 68.

Strauss said...

Indeed decaf coffee is an abomination. I want my coffee to make me twitch.

5:54 PM
Coye said...
Decaf coffee is an abomination that causes desolation. 69.

Strauss said...

(79) Girls have coodies.

Strauss said...

(80) It should be socially acceptable to pick your nose and eat it. Do you remember what it tasted like? Yuuumm... boogers...

Coye said...

Your count is off. (82)

Strauss said...

I didn't realize that deleted comments still counted. In that case, 83.

Coye said...

I'm pretty sure it's spelled "cooties". (84)

Strauss said...

I should have just said head lice. I know how to spell that.

Coye said...

We should really get Dave back in here with us. The 100 comments will seem more legitimate if we have at least three guys contributing to the last twenty-five comments. Maybe we're being too Machiavellian?

Strauss said...

We could post a rallying cry at the top of the blog to point people back down this way to help create the historic moment. (87)

Coye said...

I say go for it. Somebody else should take notice, especially since we're only 12 comments away from 100.

Adam said...

so very, very sad.

and self-serving. but it works.

Ryan said...

Coye, those were impressive incendiary remarks above...I think I want to make some of my own. (90)

Ryan said...

What the heck is this "debt to society" thing that we talk about in our penal system? And how does putting people in jail for the rest of their lives do any good at all. Any good at all. I fail to see how beyond satisfying a base and ugly desire for vengeance it provides anything for either the victim or the criminal.
It's time we took a good long look at ourselves and see how rotten we've become.(91)

Ryan said...

Strauss, I'm totally with you on confusticating diction. I think people use their brains so infrequently nowadays that when they do it seems momentous to them so they feel like they have to use abstract and philosophical-sounding vocabulary to make their points.
They don't realize that MOST of what they say could be far better expressed using concrete and commonplace vocabulary.

Let's see now, I was trying to be incendiary.

Ryan said...

Whew. This is too hard for me. It was a pitiful show, but I'm through.

Coye said...

Hey, let's try to make the last five or six posts actually be about Dusty-- these are comments on his story, after all. At the same time, I really like the direction we're heading now, so let's go for six consecutive incendiary remarks about Dusty! I think we should be able to handle that.

Dave said...

Knock Knock...

Andrew said...

who's there?

Andrew said...

Perhaps, to counter our colleague, collaborator and friend Ryan's somewhat absurd and pedantic assertion, people who utilize their higher cognitive functions assiduously and with vigor should not be required to appeal to the lowest common denominator of an aliterate and torpid society. Perhaps the use of elevated vocabulary is concomitant and vital to the increase of human understanding. Or perhaps it is all just a façade for ignorance and a nagging sense of self-doubt… perhaps we ought not even finish sentences, but instead let them trail off into the ether…

Andrew said...

"Do you worship God or the Bible?"--A sign from Dave and Grady's freshman room.

Andrew said...

Can anyone explain the explosion of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in the modern period? Is modernity making us crazy?

Andrew said...

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise, whose continuing mission is to explore new worlds, to seek out new life and civilizations, and to boldly go where no man has gone before......................100!

Coye said...

I fell all warm and fuzzy inside. Kind of like a big, fat, fuzzy kitty cat.

Coye said...

The geometric increase in the specialization of knowledge that we've experienced in the past four centuries necessitates a corresponding increase in the specialization of language. A generalized vocabulary cannot work with the precision needed at what are now the functional levels of literary theory, molecular biology, etc. Therefore, although the specialized dictions of the acadamy make it possible to hide shallow thoughts behind a learned rhetoric, there is much more at stake than obfuscation.

The modern trend towards vocational specialization and a concurrent isolation may also play a seminal role in the increased occurrence of OCD. This exact causal relationship may not exist in point of fact, but it is still safe to say that, generally, modernity is driving us all crazy.

Strauss said...

Andy, nice 100th post. Seems fitting.