Monday, January 31, 2005

611 Online is dead. Long live 611 Online.

So is everyone moving to Dusty's site?


Coye said...

I would much rather stay here.

Josh Hoisington said...

I like it here too.

Adam said...

Blah. I feel your angst, Coye. Let's you and I stay here, drink a few beers, throw around a few cuss words, and talk bad about everyone else, since they're not going to read this site anymore anyway. What do you think? Who should we start with? ;-)

Coye said...

Hell, yeah!

DM said...

I don't mind either it the look of the site? The idea of logging in?

Coye said...

Actually, it's just the fact that I like this site and I don't see any good reason to change. We already have a lot of discussion threads and other things going on here that I'd rather not abandon for no particular reason. We don't need a secure site; we don't need private areas; we don't need calendars and news updates; and, frankly, we don't really need a chat room. Too many bells and whistles are more distracting than useful. All we need is Dave to keep making mind-blowing cartoons featuring the head of the Federal Reserve. As they say in these parts: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Strauss said...

In their current forms, I must admit that I like this site better. The added features are nice, but what is stopping us from having an online photo depository separate from the blog? Dusty, perhaps you could do that instead of having a separate forum. Also, instant messengers blow the the forum's current chat features out of the water. I know that one of Dusty's reasons for having a private post area was partially for me, but I wasn't too concerned about that. Any "juicy" details about my life that I want to give you guys can be done using email, instant messenger and phone calls.

Stephen said...

I don't know, that other site looks pretty nice. At least the front page does; that's the only part I can see (I'm the lazy one who hasn't even registered to get into my own room yet). I think you were right dusty, the idea of logging in kind of cramps my style. It would be nice if we had only one blog in which, when we posted to it, we could choose to make it visible to everyone or only to members.

Also, consider this:

Imagine you're having a great conversation with some people you really like, some of whom live in a girl's dorm. And it's getting a little late, the crowd is thinning out, maybe the saga employees are starting to vacuum the place. You don't want this conversation to end, but it is precariously close to ending; just the slightest change could upset the delicate balance and remind people they should return to their respective dorms. Obviously, to make a suggestion like "I'm going to get some lucky charms, do you want some?" would result in "Actually, it's about time for me to head back." Even to say the single word "Welp..." would awaken everyone from their blissfully trance-like conversation and send everyone away.

I wonder if we can apply this concept to 611 bloggings. Saying we need to change to a new site could be the "let's get lucky charms" that brings death to traber6 blogging as we know it!!!! Or maybe not.

Anyway since starting writing this, I looked at the new site on Ryan's computer. It looks schnazzy. Maybe I'll knock and ask to be let into my own room (I think that happened sometimes on t6). Let's straddle both blogs until one or the other seems obviously better.

Andrew said...

Steve, that was beautiful...

Coye said...

I have to agree with Andy, here (as usual): that was a beautiful piece of writing, Steve. It also points out one of my fears: if we split this thing then both halves will die. Remember Lincoln's "house divided" speech? It's work for everyone to switch over and it's work to keep tabs on both sites during a switch. Both of these risk losing people, and neither are necessary. And since it takes enough time to check multiple entries on a single site, I don't have any desire to "straddle" two sites for any length of time. So from now on, I'm exclusively found on this site or my email.

Again, this site has been going great. Don't improve it to death.

Adam said...

I think I like what has happened here. The "more lucky charms" proposal has prompted a much-needed debate and spawned a whole new series of posts, since it seemed like conversations were dwindling a little. Whoever staged this fiasco was brilliant. Maybe we need to plan a similar diabolical plot to undermine the site every few months in order to reinvigorate the efforts of the faithful. Faith flourishes under persecution, after all. Still would like to squeeze a few words out of more people however.

Coye said...

I think that if we trace it back far enough Alan Greenspan is probably responsible. For everything.

Strauss said...

I thought that was Eve. Can't we just blame the woman. (Very tongue in cheek. Please, don't blast me.)

Coye said...

I'm pretty sure Greenspan's somehow remotely responsible for the Eve thing, too. He's got his hand in all the cookie jars.