Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mythbusting the Moon Landing

It was many years ago now that Aeijtzsche and I sat in Dave the goalie's room on Traber 6 (you know, the guy who mostly watched tv that year) watching a (surprisingly compelling) documentary on how the government faked the moon landings. This hour-long expose walked through the evidence, arguing that we had never been to the moon. You can actually watch the entire show here on Google Video.

Most of the show's claims are explored and debunked here (Wow, the internet is a cool thing!)

Just in case there are questions lingering in our minds about these matters, the good people at Mythbusters have taken on the mystery. The show airs April 25th (and will hopefully show up on YouTube or some other internet venue sometime thereafter). I wonder what their findings will be... Do you think the government has gotten to them, too? No, not the Mythbusters!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Just so you guys know this is out there:


Anything You Can Do, I Can Do ... Better?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008


I've become a Mac guy.  Best decision ever.  Period.