Thursday, June 30, 2005

So Dave, is Emmanuel Jones breathing air yet or what?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Andy in Japan

I finally fixed my photos site and uploaded pictures from Andy's visit to Japan:

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Where do you stand on the flag burning amendment?

And why? For those who don't know what I'm talking about, there have been groups in the United States pushing for an amendment banning desecration of the flag for many years now. It has never received the 67 votes required in the Senate for amendments, but the amendment only needs a couple more votes to pass, which it is close to now. Granted there are more critical issues to vote and debate on, but this one strikes me as controversial, yet less consequential than many political issues.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A little tid-bit from Bowling Alone

I'm working my way through _Bowling Alone_ by Robert Putnam; I'm sad I haven't read it sooner. Have any of you read it? What did you think? Do you know of any similar studies?

anyway, here's a little bit about online communities ; )

"Computer-mediated communication is, to be sure, more egalitarian, frank, and task oriented than face-to-face communication. Participants in computer-based groups often come up with a wider range of alternatives. However, because of the the paucity of social cues and social communication, participants in computer-based groups find it harder to reach consensus and feel less solidarity with one another. They develop a sense of "depersonalization" and are less satisfied with the group's accomplishments. Computer-based groups are quicker to reach an intellectual understanding of their shared problems--probably because they are less distracted by "extraneous" social communication-- but they are much worse at generating the trust and reciprocity necessary to implement that understanding" (176).

Thursday, June 09, 2005

A worthwhile project ? I think so

"Thanks to the automobile, the American dream has become the American nightmare. If you are like most Americans, you drive alone to your job, drive your kids to school, soccer practice and music lessons, and jump in your car for every little errand because no stores are within walking distance.... To compound the frustration, it's no longer safe for your kids to play in the street like you did as a kid because the traffic has become so fast and reckless. You don't know half your neighbors because you never see them except when they zip by at 35 mph.

...CarFree City, USA's goal is to provide Americans with an alternative: carfree cities. By creating new neighborhoods and cities or redeveloping existing areas on a scale that is for people and not cars, yields a host of personal, community and global benefits. It's an ambitious task, but not mere wishful thinking..."

Friday, June 03, 2005

Another Question [trying to stir up a fight...I mean discussion]

Is the Church a product of Scripture, or is Scripture a product of the Church? Which one founds/legitimizes/is logically prior to the other? Why is the answer to this question important?